15th March, 2-5pm: Mandala themed flower pot painting

MandaLove by Nelly

Regular price £45.00

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Mandala themed flower pot painting

Where: The Foxlowe Arts Centre, Leek, Market Place

When: Saturday, 15th March, 2-5pm

Mandala painting has many benefits. If you're looking for a new hobby that relaxes you, reduces stress, improves focus and concentration, this is the workshop for you!

Would you like to have something different in your house? Come and paint a flower pot with us! You don't need to have any artistic skills for this workshop. Bring your friends and enjoy an afternoon at the Foxlowe Arts Centre at Cabbage Rose Workshop :) 

You'll be provided with an abundance of beautiful colours, dotting tools and an indoor flowerpot of your choice. I will take you through step by step of using the dotting tools and creating beautiful patterns. Then it's up to you to design and paint the patterns. You'll be surprised by the end result, just like many people who tried mandala painting :) 

You will not only take a flower pot home with you. You'll take home the skills to be able to paint mandalas in your own home as well. 

If you have 5 or more people who'd like to learn mandala painting, contact me for group discounts or even arrange a different date that suits you.